The Callsign Tab shows you all Callsigns that are attached to your Account including the verfication and External Service Status.
Each Callsign can only be owned by one User at a time, the verificaton is optional and can be done by emailing us your Ham Radio / Callsign License.
A Callsign holds the Credentials to external Services that you want to use like eQSL or Clublog as well as the activate Flag that enables Automatic QSO Upload to a Service.
You can add multiple Callsigns to your Account, so there is no need for multiple Accounts. You should add your Callsign to your Account so that you can attach it to your logbooks, that is very important if you want to use some external services like Clublog.
In the Overview the Services are marked by Color for the following states:
The first Section let's you enter your Callsign as well as your Credentials to Services like eQSL, Clublog etc. Just fill out the Form and use the "Create Callsign" Button to Save everything.
Only add Callsigns that your really own!
Over the Edit Button (see red Square in the Screenshot) you can change Detials of each Callsign like Service Credentials and Activation of the Autoupload function. If you wan't to deactivate a Service completly you need to uncheck the activate flag and clear the User Field before Saving.
After entering your Credentials, the following Functions will be enabled automatically:
After entering your Credentials, the following Functions will be enabled automatically:
After entering your Credentials, the following Functions will be enabled automatically: