On this Website you will find everything you need to know about our modern Online Logbook tyQSL to use it with ease. In the past we already made tyQSL a lot more User friendly after getting Feedback from our Comunity, so if you have suggestions feel free to write us by email.
Just go to tyqsl.eu/signup and register a Account on our Plattform. You will receive a Email with a activation Link that you need to click/open to verify and activate your Account. After the verification you can sign Into tyqsl with your email and password you used for signup.
Info: your username will be used for your public profile, it hasn't to be your Callsign, you will add that later to your Account
After Signup your Account is ready to be used and already has a Logbook atatched to it, but we recommend to do the following things before first use. Use the navigationbar at the Top of the Page to switch to the Mangement Page where you can manage your Account. Please refer to the Mangement Pages for futher explanation.
On the mangement page, scroll down to Callsigns and click add Callsign. Enter a Callsign you Own and hit Save
For some functions each of your Logbooks need to have a Callsign attached, to do that switch to the Logbook Tab und Management and klick the Edit Button a Logbook.
Now select the Callsign you added a few Moments ago from the Dropdown and hit Save
TyQSL has functions to Upload your QSOs to Clublog and eQSL as well as pushing them in realtime to the external Services. To activate and use these functions you need to switch to the Services Tab.
There you just enter your Credentials and click Save for each Service you want to use.