QSO Export

You can export your QSOs as a ADIF file or directly Upload them to external Services with one click.

First select the Logbook you wan't QSOs from on the top Right. Then click onto the Export Button on the Top of the Logbook Page to open the Dialog. Here you can Filter your Logbook after different Fields to select only the QSOs you want. If you are not sure what to use as Filters you can use the Filter Dialog to select QSOs as usual until everything you wan't is displayed, then open the Export Dialog again that will have your used Filters already filled in.

This example would export every QSO in the selected Logbook that was made from 01.03.2020 to 27.03.2020 and where the Callsign has DL in it.

Export QSOs

Adif Export

To Download the selected QSOs as an ADIF File just click onto the ADIF Button on the Bottom of the Dialog.

Clublog Export

If you have your Clublog Credentials entered under Management you can use the Clublog Button to upload all selected QSOs to Clublog. You will be informed with a Message on the Top of the Page that reports if it was successfully or not.

eQSL Export

If you have your eQSL Credentials entered under mangement you can use the eQSL Button to upload all selected QSOs to eQSL. You will be informed with a Message on the Top of the Page that reports if it was successfully or not.